If you are one of those who suffer from bone and joint pain, you surely already know that it worsens in the cold. In autumn, in fact, it will be suffered in a much more obvious way, but can we avoid it? Below we detail why joints hurt with humidity and, more importantly, we explain how we can prevent this from happening. Let's go there!
Why do joints hurt in autumn?
The joints really begin to hurt and/or bother because the temperature drops and the relative humidity increases. The relationship has to do with barometric factors. In the past of many there is still a romantic record that their grandfather or aunt "felt" when the rain was going to come. Well, this makes a lot more sense than it seems since due to the cold there is vasoconstriction that inhibits the supply of blood to the muscle. This causes people with pre-existing conditions to experience stiffness and contractures that usually worsen in these cases. Cold is also a silent enemy of the elasticity of ligaments and tendons.
On the other hand, the older you get, the loss of collagen makes it a "perfect" breeding ground for it to worsen in the cold. Even so, there are several methods that can help you stop the progression of joint and bone pain even during winter.
Tips to avoid symptoms
- The first step is to protect yourself from the cold. Remember to pay special attention to the upper and lower extremities and head as they tend to be the most exposed areas.
- After spending time outside, apply warm cloths or take a relaxing bath.
- In some cases, such as Raynaud's syndrome, where there is vasoconstriction, topical anitroglycerin can help vasodilate.
- Exercise, as much as possible: Moderate exercise is associated with numerous benefits. One of them is the care of bones and joints.
- Anti-inflammatory diet: Certain foods have been shown to be natural anti-inflammatories. This is the case of foods rich in Omega 3, ginger, oily fish and others with a high content of vitamin D. Also those that contain pure astaxanthin.
- Specific supplements: Autumn and winter are usually the times of year in which the most dietary supplements are prescribed due to a decrease in daylight hours (vitamin D) and due to pain in bones and joints. Hydrolyzed collagen supplements with other components can help relieve symptoms.